Aged AR Collection

Aged AR Collection

For healthcare vendors and hospitals, an optimized process of billing and tracking insurance claims is critical, especially given the trend of decreasing reimbursement rates and rising operational costs. Allowing valuable insurance claims to age out can lead to crippling loss of revenue that ultimately threatens the long-term financial health of your business. Did you know: failing to properly follow up on aged claims is the number one cause of revenue loss?

Centerline doesn’t simply give up on claims that have been denied. We have a multi-step appeals process that can and will overturn denials and underpayments. Regardless of whether it involves managing third-party contracts, claims processing, information systems, human resources or operational issues, Centerline has created a turnkey process to help private service providers achieve their financial goals.

By leveraging our skilled professionals and developing streamlined, cost-effective processes, your company can more efficiently collect what is rightfully owed. By outsourcing medical AR management, your company’s employees can focus on mission-critical work and provide patients with the best possible care and attention.